Herbal Electuaries: History’s Most Delicious Herbal Remedy

Have you ever had a nagging cough that wouldn't go away? Even after all the Riccola’s, Mucinex, and Halls, you still have a sore throat and coughing your brains out.

Or have you ever had trouble falling asleep and didn’t have the time to steep tea or make a blend?

Or have you struggled with frequent bloating and discomfort after eating?

Well friends, I have the perfect herbal preparation for you! It’s yummy, easy to make, and it’s been used for centuries.

Please welcome Herbal Honey’s!

There are two types of herbal honey preparations: Herbal Electuaries and Infused Honey’s

Herbal Electuaries and Infused Honey have been used for centuries for their soothing properties. These remedies were often used by herbalists and apothecaries to address a variety of ailments, from digestive issues to respiratory problems. 

In this blog post, we'll explore a brief history of these remedies and their continued use today.

Herbal Electuaries

An electuary is a fancy word for an herbal remedy that is made by mixing powdered herbs with honey or syrup like blackstrap molasses. 

The mixture can then formed into a paste or pill that can be taken orally. If you’d like to make little pills, it’s easiest to roll it in a demulcent powder like Marshmallow root, Slippery Elm, or Licorice. The use of electuaries dates back to ancient Greece, where the original work was “ekleíkhō” which means “to lick up”, and they were used for a variety of ailments.

In medieval Europe, electuaries were commonly used by apothecaries as a way to give herbs to patients. They were often used to treat digestive issues, such as constipation and indigestion, as well as respiratory issues like coughs and colds.

Today, herbal electuaries are still used by herbalists and natural health practitioners. They are often used for digestive issues, respiratory problems, and even anxiety and depression. 

Some of my favorite herbs to use in electuaries include ginger, lavender, licorice root, and chamomile.

Infused Honey's

Infused honey's are another type of herbal remedy that have been used for centuries. They are made by steeping mostly fresh herbs or fruits in honey for several weeks, allowing the honey to absorb the constituents of the herbs.

In ancient Egypt, honey was used as a natural preservative for herbs and other medicinal substances. The use of infused honey's as a remedy also dates back to medieval Europe, where they were often used to treat respiratory problems and sore throats.

Today, infused honey's are still used for their soothing properties and are often used to for respiratory problems, such as nagging coughs and colds, as well as digestive issues like acid reflux, leaky gut, and indigestion. Some popular herbs I’ve used in infused honey's include elderflower, dates, and sage.


Chill Out Electuary


  • 1.5 parts chamomile powder

  • 1.5 parts lemon balm powder

  • 1 part cup raw honey


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined.

  2. Roll the mixture into small balls or form into a paste.

  3. Take 1-2 balls or 1/2 teaspoon of paste daily to help calm nerves and promote relaxation. Great for kiddos, too!

Calm The Cough Electuary


  • 1 part licorice root powder

  • 1 part marshmallow root powder

  • 1 part osha root powder

  • 2 parts raw honey


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined.

  2. Roll the mixture into small balls or form into a paste.

  3. Take 1-2 balls or 1/2 teaspoon of paste daily to help soothe sore throats and calm spasmodic, unproductive coughs.

Nervousness Nevermore Honey


  • 1 part raw honey

  • 1/4 part dried lavender flowers

  • 1/4 part fresh or dried elderflower


  1. Place the flowers in a glass jar.

  2. Pour the honey over the flowers.

  3. Stir well to combine.

  4. Cover the jar and let the mixture sit for 1-2 weeks.

  5. Strain out the flowers and store the infused honey in a jar.

  6. Take 1-2 teaspoons of the honey daily to help with nervousness and promote relaxation.

Pain Be Gone Honey


  • 1 part raw honey

  • 1/4 part fresh chopped turmeric

  • 1/4 part powdered cinnamon


  1. Place the turmeric and cinnamon in a glass jar.

  2. Pour the honey over the turmeric and cinnamon.

  3. Stir well to combine.

  4. Cover the jar and let the mixture sit for 3-4 days.

  5. Strain out the turmeric and store the infused honey in a jar in the refrigerator.

  6. Take 1-2 teaspoons of the honey daily to help with digestive issues and sore joints.

In Closing

Herbal electuaries and infused honey's have a long history of use as soothing remedies. They’ve been invaluable in helping with restless nights, stomach upset attacks, and nagging coughs. Whether you're looking to treat a cough or simply boost your immune system, these remedies may be worth considering.

Would you like to learn how to make your own Herbal Electuary?

Book a session with me here!


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