Wood Betony, Linden, Motherwort, and Tulsi

This week, I was so delighted and quite frankly BLESSED to be able to ship a Honey I’m Home to dear friend and client.

I quickly realized, however, that I don’t have a complete summary of my new friends: Wood Betony, Linden, Motherwort, and Tulsi -- and all together: Life Support.

While I am learning, adapting, and growing throughout this herbalism path I’ve really grown into my confidence and ultimately my organization! I want to have a place where I can refer to herbs, tinctures, and all herbal goodies and recipes.

So here is the FIRST quick breakdown to reference :)

Wood Betony - Stachys Officinalis

Stachys Officinalis. Image provide by Mother Earth Living.

Stachys Officinalis. Image provide by Mother Earth Living.

This is a really DELICIOUS nervine that not only soothes the nervous system, but also supports our digestive system. 

For Instance:

Ate too much and feeling sluggish digestion or have pain and gas? 

Warm up some water and add a dropper of Wood Betony tincture in (maybe add some ginger or cardamom) and it’ll speed things up!

If you have dried root, or recently purchased dried root you can decoct the roots by adding a fair amount of root into a pot with water, bring the water to a boil, and reduce to simmer for 45 minutes or until the tea is half.

*on a side note, when making roots into tea, it’s best to use this method to get all the goods out of the root :)

As an antispasmodic, it is extremely powerful as a tension relaxer especially the neck and shoulders (as I take my dropper lol!). 

As my teachers have shared “Wood betony helps individuals connect, or reconnect, with the feminine aspect.” 

It helps us rest into our feminine and connect with our flow: both literally with our menstrual cycle and our energetic cycle. Great for getting back into our bodies after working on a computer all day :)

Tincture dose: 15 - 30 drops 3x/day (more or less as needed. Consistency is key to seeing long term support. This is a strong relaxing ally so be prepared to zen out, but not too hard.) Made in water, tea, juice, or taken by itself -- it’s yummy! 

Linden - Tillia Spp.

Fresh Linden being prepared for tea. Image provided by Unsplash.

Fresh Linden being prepared for tea. Image provided by Unsplash.

Linden is (in my opinion) the world’s best anti-inflammatory! 

It’s super demulcent -- meaning moisturizing and hydrating to our cells -- it’s very tasty, even palatable alone as a tincture lol!, and is very good for anxieties and worries that manifest as tension in the heart or increased heart rate due to high levels of stress. 

It’s a relaxing diaphoretic so it “airs out” built up heat in our bodies allowing for us not to hold on tightly to hot, suffocating emotions. Nerve pain, chest tightness, tension headaches, heart arrhythmia, tense menstrual cramps can be transformed with Linden.

My teachers have called this “A hug in a mug” and I couldn’t agree more!

Tincture dose: 15 - 30 drops 3x/day (more or less as needed. Consistency is key to seeing long term support. You can’t overdo this herb (: ) Made in water, tea, juice, or taken by itself -- it’s strong!  

Tea dose: 1-2 Tbsp per quart. Pour boiling water and sit for up to 20 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

Nourishing Infusion: 1 oz. dried herb in 1 quart of boiling water. Let sit for 4 hours minimum then strain and enjoy. Best for overnight steeping :) 

Motherwort - Leonurus cardiaca

Motherwort. Image provided by Healthline.com

Motherwort. Image provided by Healthline.com

My dear friend. Lion-hearted mother vibes.

Motherwort is here for us when we’re needing mother’s love: a strong center, protective heart, and inner courage -- aka BOUNDARIES!

Having courage for everyday life has become hard these days. The more I focus on where I’m at in this present moment, the more I notice how many times I’ve shied away from “confrontation” (conversation), responsibilities, and even my own needs because of not having the courage to do so.

This isn’t right or wrong, good or bad decisions -- they simply are decisions

This is where Motherwort comes in and gives me “core courage”. She works best with the heart and blood flow. Mainly focusing on the capillaries in our bodies, and promoting the “flow” of life, Motherwort is also an emmenagogue and targets the uterus. So if you have painful, scanty, light periods with lots of cramps, motherwort is your friend. 

Tincture dose: 15 - 30 drops 3x/day (more or less as needed. Consistency is key to seeing long term support. You can’t overdo this herb (: ) Made in water, tea, juice, or taken by itself -- it’s strong! I have heard that fresh Motherwort is the best for tincture, so stay tuned for updates on this.

Tea dose: 1-2 Tbsp per quart. Pour boiling water and sit for up to 20 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

Tulsi - Ocimum tenuiflorum

Tulsi. Image provided by Unsplash.

Tulsi. Image provided by Unsplash.

Holy Basil! The holiest of holy herbs -- according to Indian herbal folklore.

Tulsi/Holy Basil has been a staple in herbalism for many reasons: the calming adaptogenic support, delicious flavor, sugar craving support, and mildly stimulating effects are just some of the many benefits of this friend. 

I’ve tried Tulsi as a tincture, tea, and even a long infusion. It’s a winner with kids, yummy and great for digestion, and did I mention it helps with sugar cravings? Studies have shown Tulsi aids cravings along with its friend, Cinnamon!

When I hear Tulsi I hear “adaptogen”. What is an adaptogen? It’s an ally that helps us adapt to our environment. To be able to transform, transcend and have flexibility to everyday life. 

Tincture dose: 15 - 30 drops 3x/day (more or less as needed. Consistency is key to seeing long term support. You can’t overdo this herb (: ) Made in water, tea, juice, or taken by itself -- it’s strong! I have heard that fresh Motherwort is the best for tincture, so stay tuned for updates on this.

Tea dose: 1-2 Tbsp per quart. Pour boiling water and sit for up to 20 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

*None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.


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