Rest, Set, and Activate

Written by Angelica Bonamassa        

  Have you ever woken up immediately feeling sore? Instantly tired? Does the mere thought of moving throughout the day send aches and pains throughout your body, making it debilitating to even being any task you have planned? Do you notice coffee or caffeinated teas are not doing the trick anymore and leaving you overall groggy?

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What if I told you I used to experience those symptoms? What if I told you this cycle lasted for basically my whole life? I remember feeling exhausted and bloated every morning no matter how many caffeinated teas I would drink or how healthy I would try to eat. In general, I would feel as if I was dragging my body around instead of it moving and it adapting with me. I’d continue to feel out of balance and I was not able to move or exercise for long periods of time. Even when I did try to move, it felt like I was working with ten times the amount of my actual weight.

And then I discovered Turmeric. At first, I heard to work with Turmeric for immune purposes; I would (and still do) grate the root into my tea blends for a delicious added flavor. After my morning cup, I would notice an overall glow in my skin after drinking it and I would always feel slimmer and lighter, which in turn would make me feel more energetic. Even when I saw these effects, I still did not put two and two together. 

It was not until I was walking in Costco with my mother and saw a display of Turmeric Supplements. This is when I discovered YouTheory Turmeric: Extra Strength Formula. Immediately after reading the label I thought to myself: “I could definitely use some extra strength in my life.”

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So, I began taking YouTheory Turmeric daily and within the first week I felt my body operating at its most optimal level. I was able to work out in the morning (and not feel completely drained about it!) and go to work, come home relax, and still finish small tasks at the end of the day without feeling completely exhausted. Turmeric’s amazing anti-inflammatory properties along with its mood-boosting power, takes me from feeling groggy, inflamed, and sluggish, to feeling light, present, and relieved. 

IMPORTANT: If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, DO NOT take Turmeric for it has certain properties for both males and females -- or consult your physician! Here’s an interesting article talking about it.

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Another herb that I love working with from YouTheory is their Ashwagandha collection. I personally use Ashwagandha in the “midday rush” phase of the day. 

I use it when I know I’m going to be busy with clients, phone calls, and anything else related to work. I also use it when I need to be clear, calm, and conscious in the daily inevitable bustling part of work.

IMPORTANT: If you do not get anxious easily, then I would not recommend this supplement. However, if you are like me, and sometimes even making a phone call sends you into a state of frozen anxiety, then I would suggest taking this supplement for at least a month or two to really see results.

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From my experience, I feel the realxing properties of Ashwagandha as soon as I taste it on my lips. It is not overbearing and it is not drowsy whatsoever. It is delightful in its taste and it also sends a cooling sensation down my spine. It dances with you and lets you confidently flow through the rest of the day. 

I am so thankful for YouTheory for making these supplements. Their products are pure and 100% natural and organic. Not only do they make amazing health products, but they also are working with organizations in Africa to construct new orphanages for at-risk children, and in Kenya to build clean water wells. They also support NEGU (Never Ever Give Up), UNTIL THEN for street kids, New Horizons to eliminate child homelessness and local children’s hospitals that provide care and resources for children fighting childhood cancer. They are simply amazing and these two supplements they have created (specifically the ones I mentioned in the article) have changed how I go on about my days and truly help me become the most optimal version of myself that I know and love. 

*None of the statements on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.


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